Friday, February 3, 2012

Lesson #3: Trust people, sometimes things work out, Revisited

Last weekend my compadres and I were whisked off to the countryside to a place called Cuncumén, also known as BFnowhere... so naturally I was elated. The program coordinators arranged for us all to stay at a rustic little resort called Las Colinas de Cuncumén where we relaxed, sunbathed, and had ourselves a little private orientation.

After receiving months of questions and raised eyebrows about where I was going to live after my home-stay, how I planned to find a place, how I was going to fair with all of my administrative stuff being in Spanish, etc. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that not only is the program director NOT an idiot, he is actually a very organized, funny, capable, and approachable man. And when it comes to program directors, ladies and caballeros, that is my favorite type of man!

Furthermore, he has a staff consisting of two other tiny, but equally capable and approachable, women to help him (and us) with whatever difficulties we might encounter. Also! these women know EVERYONE. Allow me to elaborate: In order to get my chilean visa, it took me upwards of 6 phone calls and a voicemail to obtain an appointment with the consulate, 2 FBI background checks, an HIV test, 5 1/2 hours of waiting at the actual consulate during the appointment, and unmeasured quantity of begging and eyelash batting. These women were able to obtain chilean visas for 3 of the students in my program in 2 days, with 2 phone calls, and without involving the FBI.

All I'm sayin is... if armageddon happens and the only way to obtain supplies is through networking, than I'm in better shape than you fools.

But enough chatter, here are the pictures.

Bonding 101: Ropes course. We found this one by accident. 
(side note: the sky really is that blue)

Trust falls!

I really am in Chile and I have this flag to prove it.

Interestingly enough, many parts of the Chilean countryside look very much like California.
Cross your fingers it becomes a home-away-from-home!

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