Sunday, February 12, 2012

Anybody there?

So my Dad says people are, like, anticipating my next blog post? So basically what I've gathered is that I'm now famous and that my manager and the millions are hurdling my way at this very moment. I'm ready.

Ba haha! Just kidding!

Actually I've gotten really into thinking about things in terms of blog posts. It helps me to be more present in my day. I even have a word doc dedicated to planning out future blog posts. That being said, you and I have some catching up to do:

Unfortunately Chile does not quite have the culinary pizzazz of my homeland of Mexico. Perfect evidence of this would be this stuff: Quillayes, amazing flavorless cheese!

The good news is there are foreigners in every country and thankfully for me these foreigners have not abandoned their food. I’ve already located which metro stop disembarks in the neighborhood housing the Middle Eastern folk (shwarma, falafel, and hummus are all I need to be happy in life!), there are at least 2 good Mexican restaurants that I will eventually network my way to (I’m developing a network!), Japanese food is alive and well (and since all of Chile is pretty much a coast line I actually trust that the seafood is fresh, unlike in Mexico city. Do not eat sushi in Mexico City! askmehowiknow). Peruvian food is abundant and spicy, something that Chilean food is most definitely not. 

Chile does contribute something to the gustatory party, however. The empanadas are cheesy and often the size of tennis shoes (size 8-10). The bread is unremarkable but usually warm. Chileans eat a lot of bread! Someone told me Chile is the second highest ranking country for bread consumption after Germany.

There are also rumors of some delicious desserts known to inhabit Chile so you can rest assured that if they exist. I will find them. 

1 comment:


    so cool you're in Chile. It's totes bringin' me back!

    I thought the food in Chile was very bland, very bizarre, and very hot-dog centric. However, here are the few recomendations I have for you:

    Chorilliana. It's french fries, covered in beef, smothered in onions. Highly recommended post-night out drinking, and when relatively close to home.

    Wok N' Roll in Vina del Mar. I think I probably went to this restaurant 25 times while I was in Chile. I am not even kidding. It's really good sushi, and try the dessert sushi - almonds! it's delicious.

    Chirimoya. It's a melon like fruit with lots of seeds. Get someone to de-seed it for you. It's a bitch. But then it is DELICIOUS.

    My host mom almost every day served me lentil soup with hot dog chopped up in it. I actually love hot dogs, but I got real sick of them after Chile.

    OMG. Sahne-Nuss chocolate. It's like the Hershey's of Chile except about 1000x better.

    So fun to be reading about your adventures!!!
