Saturday, February 4, 2012

The lazy follows me everywhere

Anyone that knows me, which is to say all of you given that I'm not officially famous yet, is aware of and obviously charmed by my laziness. (charmed i say! right, mom?) And even though I am in another country, and even though I am exceedingly aware of the need to, as my sister loves to say, "carpe the hell out of this diem" I am still plagued by this well established trait. So I am here to admit to you that I didn't do very much today. (here you should picture me hanging my head and over-extending my bottom lip)

Changing ya backdrop don't change who ya are, gumdrop. Sorry bout it.

Nevertheless! I am very excited, because even though I didn't do much in the way of exploring I did a TON of research about where I need to go, what I need to see, and where I need to eat. I now have a massive list that is thoroughly adorned with circles, stars, smiley faces, and exclamation points galore. And you know what? I'm thrilled.

Shout out to Grandpy Marv and Grandmy Barbara for giving me a fantastic guidebook that is 100% in cahoots with the recommendations on the internet.

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