Friday, March 30, 2012

Hang in there!

I'm not sure if I'm talking to all y'all reading this or to myself with the title of this post. Things have been slightly short of sparkly here in Santiago lately. I feel like my speech improvement has plateaued (hopefully just momentarily) and I'm a bit cranky because I'm from northern California and the temperatures are still regularly in the 80s here,  even after they promised it would cool down by April. So naturally I'm pissed because I'm swathed in sunshine and warm air.

Speaking of April, I move out of my host family's house on Sunday into my glam apartment in the most bohemian neighborhood in Santiago. I was thrilled up until the moment it actually became a reality. Now, of course, I am scared. Isn't it funny how difficult getting what you want can be sometimes?

In the meantime I plan to distract you from the fact that this post has absolutely no substance and the fact that I still have not told about the outcome of my internship with some pictures of the roommate I will be leaving behind when I go.

This is Chancho (chancho translates loosely to...pig). His favorite lock out perch in the house is my window, but sometimes on his way there he gets distracted and falls asleep on my bed. I can't be mad at him because I can relate too easily.

The funny thing about him though, is that when he falls asleep he sleeps like this:

Face down, buried in the sheets.

Let's have a closer look shall we?

Even closer

There it is. Money shot. 

Why he does this? How he breathes? are all questions that remain a mystery to me. While I will miss the entertainment he provides in my life, I certainly will not miss the mysterious opening of my bedroom door at 6:30am when he wants to come in and look out the window.

I'll show you all the new place just as soon as it's fabulous. Hang in there with me!

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