Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I Eat...

Arroz con leche

Marinated grilled chicken salad w/ lemon vinaigrette. Homemade french fries.

I've been making the most of my kitchen lately. I turned a messed up batch of rice into arroz con leche and I've comfortably mastered the homemade crispy golden french fry. As long as I'm bragging it should also be noted that every thing I cook or bake is done without a thermometer. I have no idea how hot my oven is nor my frying oil. So take that! No but seriously, I made Oreo cheesecake cupcakes without the slightest notion of what temperature I was baking them at. If that's not badass I don't know what is. I just been winging it, and so far I have been hugely successful.

I promise to talk about something more Chile specific that you might actually care about soon.
your flaky amateur blogger friend

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