Saturday, October 6, 2012

S x S arrive in South America

One of my absolute favorite things in the world is rediscovering how much you like someone you already know. Having Sydney and Sami come to visit me in Santiago I got to do just that... times two! ... on steroids!

They gifted me the suffocatory laughing fit I'd been craving for months, recharged my smile, and jump-started my appreciation for Chile all over again.
jet lag
walking up cerro san cristobal
taco night

 The other thing that's great about having people on vacation come to visit is that they're ALWAYS in a good mood, and thus very friendly/ energetic. And I gotta tell you, that is some contagious stuff. There is no doubt in my mind that my housemates (who I suspect already liked me enough because I do a lot of dishes/cleaning... mom stop looking shocked, please) got to see a more fun, sarcastic, outgoing side of me as a result of their visit.
It is a very special person that knows who they are enough to always maintain the same demeanor no matter who they're with and where they are. In my case, I'm still in the process of figuring out too much stuff to always be the funny, outgoing, sarcastic human that those who know me closely would describe me as. I still rely on my close friends and family to draw it out of me a little bit. So it is only right then that I thank Sydney and Sami for being so infinitely likeable regardless of the continent and/or language environment, and for drawing me out of my shell so that I too became easier (or perhaps, even easier [wink!])  to like.

cerveza pong.
Vinicio, the cerveza pong prodigy. Never have I witnessed such immediate raw talent. His performance was way beyond beginner's luck, you guys. I was pissed. I hate to lose.
Nayo and Sydney.

¿quiĆ©n tiene problemas?

The other thing y'all need to know about these two is that if there was ever a model for what a friendship should be, it would Syndey and Sami's. Together they can laugh about anything. Talk about anything. Handle anything. Inject fun into anything. And they can even do it while including a third party flawlessly. I never felt like a third wheel with them despite their extended history and almost spouse-like closeness. Without even trying these two have managed to not only set the standard for what I strive for in all of my friendships but also hyphenate two families. Because of Sami's (and her family's) presence in my life I have not killed my sister at times when her behavior was inviting it; I have converted part-time and unofficially to judaism; And I have had the pleasure of receiving the best possible gift anyone could ever get me, a 4x6 inch brick of chocolate dubbed a "chocolate diary."

One of those NOT fun experiences that we managed to make fun. Note to all: Do not go to this restaurant if you're in Valparaiso.


  1. "spouse-like closeness" hahaha I LOLed hard at that!! They truly are such an excellent example of friendship - love those two, and love you, annie!! glad you three had such a blast, and can't wait to see you upon your return to america!!

  2. Thanks for such kind words Annie! I miss you! Awesome post and awesome pictures - what an amazing trip :)

  3. AW!! Very nicely written annie! xo
