Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lesson #1: Always ask.

Here's what happened. I arrived in Chile at around 1 o'clock on Tuesday, the 24th. Mis compañeras y yo promptly took off for a stroll around Santiago without a map, or an agenda. We happened upon this piece of wreckage with a guard standing outside the gate. So naturally we assumed it was open to us joe-shmoes, because aren't all buildings with armed guards at the entrance abiertos al público? 

Just to be sure we asked the very upright man protecting the gate if we could go inside. At first he said no, but then he said yes! We didn't even do anything to change his mind...literally nothing. He told us we could go inside to reception, so we did. Then we asked the gentlehombres at reception if we could take a tour of the gardens or just walk around a bit. They said no, but then...they said yes! 

And then this happened. 

Feast your eyes upon the Congressional Meeting Hall. That's right kids, this is the very hall where Congress used to convene (now they meet in Valparaíso) and where they recently held a reunion. Those five chairs are where the President and the Senate representatives sit. 

Need a close-up?

I got it for ya! By the way, we're sitting in the GD chairs.

Anyways, moral of story is this: Always ask for what you want because someone may deem you harmless, special, pitiful, lovable, etc. and give you just that. I am just now scooping my jaw up off the floor at what happened. 

Lesson 1.01: Chilean hospitality is INSANE. 

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